Chapter 5 - Care and Quality Management

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Chapter 5 – Care and Quality Management

Care management incorporates a comprehensive integrated solution that encompasses all aspects of engagement and self-management by providing information, support, and interventions across the continuum of care.

Unit 1: Introduction to Care Management

The Highmark Care Management Program focuses on the integration of the delivery of health care services with our members, their employers or groups, and our network providers. It is designed to comply with all federal, state, and external review body regulations and standards.

Unit 2: Authorizations

Highmark requires authorization of all inpatient admissions, medical and behavioral health. In addition, authorization is required for certain outpatient services, procedures, and durable medical equipment and supplies prior to performing the services or providing the supplies.

Unit 3: Medicare Advantage Procedures

This unit outlines Highmark and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) procedures and processes specifically for Medicare Advantage members.

Unit 4: Behavioral Health

Highmark Behavioral Health Services provides behavioral health medical management services for members enrolled in Highmark programs.

Unit 5: Denials, Adverse Benefit Determinations, Grievances, and Appeals

This unit outlines Highmark’s procedures for handling denials, adverse benefit determinations, grievances, and appeals.

Unit 6: Quality Management

The Highmark Quality Management Program is designed to ensure that members receive the best quality health care, in the most appropriate setting, in the most cost-effective manner.

Unit 7: Value-Based Reimbursement (VBR) Programs

Highmark’s network management methodology utilizes value-based reimbursement models, performance, and high-value networks and products. This strategy emphasizes efficiency and appropriateness over volume and waste, encourages provider/payer collaboration, and increases quality and cost improvement potential.


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