6.7 Payment Methodology for Professional Services
6.7 Explanation of Benefits for Medical-Surgical Contracts
6.7 Facility Payment Methodology
6.7 Facility Remittance Advice
6.7 ANSI Claim Adjustment Group and Reason Codes
6.7 Electronic Manual Payments
6.7 Payment for FEP Members Over 65
6.7 Payment for the Highmark Healthy Kids Program (CHIP)
This unit addresses payment methodology for both professional and facility provider types, Explanation of Benefits (EOBs), the Facility Remittance Advice, guidance for overpayments and refunds, and special circumstances, such as payment for Federal Employee Program (FEP) members over 65 years of age.
Highmark’s reimbursement policies contain general coding and reimbursement guidelines to help you avoid claim denials and receive timely payment. The policies are reviewed regularly and updated as necessary, with new policies added when a need is identified. When a policy is updated, past versions are stored within the Reimbursement Policy Bulletin and accessed by selecting the Click Here for History Versions link that will appear on the top right of the first page of the bulletin.
To access Highmark’s reimbursement policies on the Provider Resource Center, select Claims & Authorization and then Reimbursement Policies.
In compliance with the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 (“MHPAEA”), Highmark utilizes the same processes, standards, factors, and strategies to develop provider reimbursement rates for providers that render medical services, behavioral health services, and substance abuse treatment services.
As part of federal budget cuts mandated by the Sequestration Transparency Act, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) initiated a 2% cut in Medicare spending in the form of payment cuts to health care providers for Medicare claims.
Highmark applies sequestration payment reductions similar to those applied by original Medicare. The reductions are applied to all Highmark Medicare Advantage HMO and PPO claim payments after determining any applicable member deductible, member coinsurance, and any applicable Medicare secondary payment adjustments. There is no impact to member cost sharing.
Highmark’s network management methodology also utilizes value-based reimbursement models, performance, and high-value networks and products. This strategy emphasizes efficiency and appropriateness, encourages provider/payer collaboration, and increases quality and cost improvement potential.
Highmark’s value-based reimbursement strategy evaluates providers' ability to deliver the right care at the right time and in the most appropriate setting. Our value-based reimbursement programs place intense focus on care coordination and population health management principles. For more information, please see Highmark’s Provider Manual Chapter 5 Unit 7: Value-Based Reimbursement Programs.
Additional information, such as Medical Policy and HCPCS Information, is available under Policies & Programs on the Provider Resource Center to assist you in billing services for reimbursement from Highmark.
Highmark uses several mechanisms to reimburse professional providers for services rendered to its members. These mechanisms vary depending on the program in which the member is enrolled. The most common payment methodology for professionals is the Highmark Professional Fee Schedule. Highmark's Professional Fee Schedule contains fees for various regions and lines of business (for example, Affordable Care Act products, Highmark CHIP, and Medicare Advantage).
Fee Schedule Inquiries in Availity® can be used to determine allowances for specific codes or to generate a list of frequently reported procedures for a given specialty. Go to Claims & Authorization and then Fee Schedule Information.
Requests for fee schedules for most frequently reported procedures can also be submitted in writing to the address below. Please include your provider name, address, and NPI (National Provider Identifier) on your request.
Highmark Blue Shield
Fee Based Pricing and Analysis
P.O. Box 890089
Camp Hill, PA 17089-0089
The fee information will provide the fee-for-service dollar amount allowable for each CPT code. Highmark will not require the participating physician to provide Highmark with billing rates as a precondition to providing fee information.
The Plan Allowance is based on the reimbursement terms contained in the Member’s Plan Documents as well as their reimbursement amount contained in the fee schedule applicable to the product and provider. If the provider's charges are less than the plan allowance for a particular service, the fee paid to the provider for such service will not exceed the provider's charges. Plan Allowance amounts are updated periodically to respond to changing economic and market conditions.
Fee-for-service claims are paid using the network fee schedule specific to the service area. For each service, the payment calculation selects the lower of the provider’s billed amount or the Plan Allowance.
Fee-for-service payments may be subject to member program copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles. If the provider's charge is less than the Highmark Plan Allowance, including any incentive payments if applicable, the provider's charge will be paid.
Premier Blue Shield is Highmark’s statewide selectively contracted network of preferred providers in Pennsylvania. It is not tied to a specific benefits program but supports a variety of Highmark programs.
Premier Blue Shield allowances are based on a fee schedule that emphasizes evaluation and management services. Adjustments to the Premier Blue Shield fee schedule are made, as needed, to assure providers are receiving fair reimbursement — and to assure that members have adequate access to primary care and specialty services.
Premier Blue Shield providers agree to accept Highmark’s allowances as payment-in-full for covered services. Members are responsible for any applicable copayments, deductibles, or coinsurances.
The Premier Blue Shield Network Fee Schedule is available on the Provider Resource Center under Claims & Authorization then Fee Schedule Information.
The First Priority Health (FPH) managed care provider network supports the health maintenance organization (HMO) products in the 13-county Northeastern Region of Pennsylvania, including the Highmark Healthy Kids/Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
There are several reimbursement methodologies available to primary care physicians (PCPs) participating in the FPH network, including capitation, billables, copayments, and fee-for-service reimbursement as more specifically set forth in your FPH participating provider agreement. For more details, please see Highmark’s Provider Manual Chapter 4 Unit 1: PCPs and Specialists.
Providers with a Medicare Advantage contract with Highmark are reimbursed for Medicare Advantage claims in accordance with their contracted rate, which is based on the Medicare fee schedule; however, it may not match the Medicare fee schedule exactly.
At a minimum, Medicare Advantage programs are required to provide coverage for the services covered by Traditional Medicare. They may also provide additional services and benefits. While a person is a member of Medicare Advantage, services are not paid by Traditional Medicare except for services incurred during a hospice election period and routine costs associated with clinical trials paid by Medicare.
An Explanation of Benefits (EOB) statement is sent to network professional providers and to members via postal mail or electronically based on preference. Along with the claim payments, network providers receive an EOB listing all claims processed each week. This EOB lists each patient’s claim separately. Each individual member on the provider’s EOB will also receive an EOB listing the services processed. (See example of a provider EOB later in this unit.)
Regardless of your practice location, all Highmark EOBs are available electronically on Availity® by choosing Claims & Payments and then click on Remittance Viewer.
After becoming Availity-enabled, providers must also enroll in electronic funds transfer and paperless Electronic Remittance Advices. For more information on electronic transaction requirements, see Highmark’s Provider Manual Chapter 1 Unit 3: Electronic Solutions – EDI & Availity.
Non-network providers do not receive an EOB. Instead, the member receives the EOB and a check, if applicable. The member is responsible for reimbursing the non-network provider for services performed.
Highmark develops and maintains reimbursement methodologies for facility-type providers (UB-04/837I billers) that allow claims to pay at industry standards while taking into account the specific needs of the network participating facilities in our service areas. Reimbursement is in accordance with the payment and reimbursement terms contained in the provider’s agreement.
Highmark’s general reimbursement methodology for commercial inpatient claims is designed to establish, on a prospective basis, fixed rates for inpatient services. Payment for medical/surgical inpatient services will be made on a per case basis, using the DRG (diagnosis related group) patient classification system.
Highmark develops their own DRG weights. However, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) reimbursement methods are reviewed regularly to determine what the impacts are to Highmark’s reimbursement methods. These updates can occur annually or quarterly depending on the provider type.
Highmark has adopted the Medicare Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) that is based on the Ambulatory Payment Classification (APC) system and the use of the OPPS components in Highmark APC-based payment methods. OPPS was designed to pay acute care hospitals for most outpatient services.
The Highmark OPPS-based payment method is designed to use all the features, values, and workings of the Medicare OPPS, with the exception of select customized features. The payment method includes the APC grouper and pricer, relative weights, applicable edits, and quarterly updates.
Since its inception, CMS has made, and continues to make, changes and refinements to APCs and the entire OPPS. These changes are made every calendar quarter, with the most significant changes occurring at the start of each calendar year.
Highmark evaluates the appropriateness of CMS’ new or revised components for potential modification. Highmark’s implementation of each quarterly update is based on the time frame in which CMS releases the quarterly change notices and Highmark’s receipt of such changes via the vendor software. The date of implementation will be posted in advance via the Highmark OPPS calendar on the Provider Resource Center when accessed via Availity®.
For more details, you can find the Highmark Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) Based Payment Method Provider Training Manual and the APC Pricing Component Update Calendar on the Provider Resource Center. Look under Claims & Authorization and then Reimbursement Resources.
Highmark currently uses a Resource Utilization Group (RUG) based payment methodology for all participating skilled nursing facility providers for both commercial and Medicare Advantage products. RUG-based reimbursement more closely approximates the relative resource intensity associated with treating individual skilled patients. Each RUG category translates into a per diem payment that is specific to each patient’s condition.
The Highmark methodology is designed to use all the features, values, and workings of the Medicare per diem payment methodology with only a few exceptions.
The Provider Remittance Advice is provided by Highmark’s claim processing system and accounts for all claims adjudicated in the payment cycle, including those which have been denied. The Remittance Advice displays how the claim processes, including contractual adjustments, payments, and member liabilities.
The facility Provider Remittance Advice is available in an online version via Availity® by going to Claims & Payments and then clicking on Remittance Viewer.
Providers can also choose to receive their claim payment information via an electronic remittance advice (Version 5010 – 835). Receipt of the 835 can be set up through contacting your electronic vendor or clearinghouse or directly by:
For all Friday evening payment cycles, the 835 is available for viewing by Monday morning. The actual availability of the 835 files may also depend on your vendor.
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) payments associated with both the facility Remittance Advice and the Version 5010-835 are available on Wednesday.
For information on electronic remittance advice (Version 5010-835), please visit the Highmark EDI Services website. The EDI website is accessible on the Provider Resource Center by selecting Claims & Authorization then looking under Reimbursement Resources, or by clicking on the applicable link below for your service area:
An EDI support analyst may also be contacted by phone at 800-992-0246.
American National Standard Institute (ANSI) codes are used to explain the adjudication of a claim and are the CMS-approved ANSI messages. Group codes must be entered with all reason code(s) to establish financial liability for the amount of the adjustment or to identify a post-initial-adjudication adjustment.
The table below defines the ANSI Claim Adjustment Group Codes that appear in the field represented as AGC (column 2, line 4) on the Highmark Remittance Advice Detail Report:
Group Code |
Description |
Patient Responsibility (PR) |
This code is used when the amount rejected is billable to the insured or the patient. Examples would include: amounts applied to deductibles, coinsurance, copayments, subscriber penalties, and patient assumed financial responsibility for a service considered not medically necessary. The amount adjusted is the responsibility of the patient. |
Contractual Obligation (CO) |
This code is used when the amount rejected is non-billable to the insured or the patient. The amount adjusted is not the patient’s responsibility under any circumstance because of the obligation that exists between the provider and the payer, or because a regulatory requirement is in existence. |
Payer Initiated Reductions (PI) |
This code is used when the amount rejected is non-billable to the insured or the patient. In the opinion of the payer, the adjustment is not the responsibility of the patient, but there is no supporting contract between the provider and the payer (i.e., medical review or professional review organization adjustments). |
Other Adjustment (OA) |
This is used when the amount rejected is non-billable to the insured or the patient. Additionally, this is used when there are miscellaneous adjustments being made to the rejected claim (for example, if the service is being processed on another claim that has not been paid). If no other category is appropriate, this one will be used. |
Correction and Reversal (CR) |
This code is used when the amount rejected is non-billable to the insured or the patient. For example, if the provider withdraws a claim, the claim will be rejected on reconciliation as a rejected claim. The claim is a reversal of a previously reported claim or claim payment. |
ANSI Claim Adjustment Reason Codes (CARCs) appear on the remittance, designated as ARC (column 2, line 4), to communicate an adjustment. These codes explain why a claim or service line was paid differently than it was billed. If there is no adjustment to a claim/line, then there is no adjustment reason code on the remittance.
Below is a list of commonly used Claim Adjustment Reason Codes:
1 Deductible Amount
2 Coinsurance Amount
3 Copayment Amount
18 Duplicate claim/service
29 The time limit for filing has expired.
35 Lifetime benefit maximums have been reached.
49 Non-covered services – Routine
78 Non-covered days/Room charge adjustment
96 Non-covered charge(s)
119 Benefit maximum has been reached for this time period.
For a complete current listing of Claim Adjustment Reason Codes, click here.
Highmark offers streamlined, electronic processes that simplify how you notify Highmark of claim overpayment and how Highmark will notify you when we identify overpayments.
If a provider identifies an overpayment:
Pennsylvania |
Delaware |
West Virginia |
New York |
Highmark |
Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield Delaware |
Highmark |
Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield of Western New York P.O. Box 4208 |
Per the Highmark Healthy Kids/Pennsylvania Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Provider Self Audit Protocol, providers are to mandatorily disclose overpayments or improper payments of CHIP funds within 60 days of identification and provide written description of the reason for the overpayment or improper payment.
If Highmark identifies an overpayment:
Pennsylvania |
Delaware |
West Virginia |
New York |
Highmark |
Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield Delaware |
Highmark |
Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield of Western New York P.O. Box 4208 |
When a manual payment is requested for a provider and the provider is both EFT and Availity®-enabled, Highmark will send the provider an electronic payment instead of a paper check. Electronic manual payments will have a unique check number that will begin with “77” (e.g., 7700000001). An electronic remittance advice/EOB will not be issued for electronic manual payments.
You can use Availity’s Cash Management function to see payment details for an electronic manual payment. The Cash Management transaction provides a weekly payment accumulation and a summary of payments received for the current year. In addition, you may retrieve individual check details.
To access check details, select Payer Spaces and then select Cash Management. Click on the applicable check number from the list on the Provider Payment and History Inquiry page. You can view additional information about the payment in the Comments field on the check’s Detail Information screen.
For certain Federal Employee Program (FEP) members aged 65 or older who do not have Medicare, the Federal Employee Health Benefit (FEHB) law limits payments for inpatient hospital care and physician care to what Medicare would pay. Outpatient hospital care and non-physician-based care are not covered by this law.
The following chart provides information about the limits:
If the FEP Member is… |
Then, for Inpatient Hospital Care… |
And for Physician Care… |
The law requires the payment and the member’s applicable coinsurance or copayment be based on:
The following table explains member responsibility under each plan option:
If the Physician… |
Then the FEP Member is Responsible for… |
Participates with Medicare or accepts Medicare assignment for the claim and is in our Preferred network… |
Standard Option: |
Deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments. |
Basic Option: |
Copayments and coinsurance. |
Participates with Medicare or accepts Medicare assignment for the claim and is in our PPO network… |
Blue Focus: |
Deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments. |
Participates with Medicare or accepts Medicare assignment and is not in the Preferred network… |
Standard Option: |
Deductibles, coinsurance, copayments, and any balance up to the Medicare approved amount. |
Basic Option: |
All charges. |
Participates with Medicare and is not in the Preferred network… |
Blue Focus: |
All charges. |
Does not participate with Medicare and is in our Preferred network… |
Standard Option: |
Deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments, and any balance up to 115% of the Medicare approved amount. |
Basic Option: |
Copayments and coinsurance, and any balance up to 115% of the Medicare approved amount |
Blue Focus: |
Deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments, and any balance up to 115% of the Medicare approved amount. |
Does not participate with Medicare and is not in our Preferred network… |
Standard Option: |
Deductibles, coinsurance, copayments, and any balance up to 115% of the Medicare approved amount. |
Basic Option: |
All charges. |
Blue Focus: |
All charges. |
The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) implemented the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Provider Enrollment and Screening provisions that require all providers who render, order, refer, or prescribe items or services to Highmark Healthy Kids (CHIP) enrollees to have a valid PROMISe ID. A valid PROMISe ID is required to receive payment for CHIP enrollee claims. Failure to have a valid PROMISe ID may result in denial of reimbursement.
For more information about PROMISe ID enrollment, please see Highmark’s Provider Manual Chapter 3 Unit 1: Network Participation Overview.
Participating providers accept Highmark’s reimbursement for services as payment in full without balance billing the enrollees. There is no additional discount applied to provider reimbursement rates due to income level (providers receive the full Highmark CHIP reimbursement rate).
For the CHIP HMO plan, if covered services are not available from a network provider, preauthorization must be obtained to receive services from a provider outside the network.
Per the Pennsylvania Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Provider Self Audit Protocol, providers are to mandatorily disclose overpayments or improper payments of Highmark Healthy Kids (CHIP) funds within 60 days of identification and provide written description of the reason for the overpayment or improper payment.
For more information on reporting overpayments to Highmark, please see the Overpayments and Refunds section of this unit.
Section 503 of the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 (CHIPRA) requires payment for services provided by Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) and Rural Health Clinics (RHCs) to be at least equivalent to Medicaid Prospective Payment System (PPS) rates for all CHIP encounters. The PPS rates are all-inclusive rates for encounter services provided, except for vaccine services.
All FQHCs and RHCs must bill for services using the T1015 procedure code. The T1015 code is the required code to be able to pay the all-inclusive PPS rate and is defined as “clinic visit/encounter, all-inclusive.”
When the FQHCs are using the 1500 Claim Form, they must list T1015 in the first section of Item #24d. All pertinent services furnished during the encounter should be listed in the claim. FQHC PPS specific payment codes are listed on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) website.
General Guidelines for CHIP FQHC/RHC Claim Submissions:
Questions on FQHC PPS can be emailed to FQHC-PPS@cms.hhs.gov
To learn more about Pennsylvania’s CHIP program, please see Highmark’s Provider Manual Chapter 2 Unit 3: Other Government Programs.
Non-network providers do not sign an agreement with Highmark. Therefore, they have no contractual obligation to accept Highmark’s allowance as payment-in-full. However, non-network providers are required to accurately report services performed and fees charged, and comply with laws related to balance billing members for their services.
The following entities, which serve the noted regions, are independent licensees of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association: Western and Northeastern PA: Highmark Inc. d/b/a Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield, Highmark Choice Company, Highmark Health Insurance Company, Highmark Coverage Advantage Inc., Highmark Benefits Group Inc., First Priority Health, First Priority Life or Highmark Senior Health Company. Central and Southeastern PA: Highmark Inc. d/b/a Highmark Blue Shield, Highmark Benefits Group Inc., Highmark Health Insurance Company, Highmark Choice Company or Highmark Senior Health Company. Delaware: Highmark BCBSD Inc. d/b/a Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield. West Virginia: Highmark West Virginia Inc. d/b/a Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield, Highmark Health Insurance Company or Highmark Senior Solutions Company. Western NY: Highmark Western and Northeastern New York Inc. d/b/a Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield. Northeastern NY: Highmark Western and Northeastern New York Inc. d/b/a Highmark Blue Shield.
All references to “Highmark” in this document are references to the Highmark company that is providing the member’s health benefits or health benefit administration and/or to one or more of its affiliated Blue companies.
All revisions to this Highmark Provider Manual (the “manual” or “Highmark Provider Manual”) are controlled electronically. All paper copies and screen prints are considered uncontrolled and should not be relied upon for any purpose.