Last Updated: Wednesday, February 26, 2025
These trainings are a great way to give current staff helpful information about Highmark policies, programs, and procedures.
If you are a newly contracted provider, or a new employee of a network provider's office or facility, please visit our orientation page to view resources we make available to help you in your interactions with Highmark and our members.
Highmark member rights and responsibilities are included in the Highmark Provider Manual, which is housed here on the Provider Resource Center. A paper copy will be provided upon request.
In October 2024, Highmark launched a new, consolidated Provider Resource Center with a streamlined layout, improved site search, regional information, and a focus on your top tasks. For the best experience, choose your region in the upper right hand corner. And, for full access, log in via Availity. Use the PRC User Guide below for additional help.
Highmark's provider portal, Availity, is available to all participating providers. Availity is an internet-based application for providers to streamline data exchanges between their offices and health insurance companies. Providers who are not currently registered to use Availity should register using the following link: Register and Get Started with Availity Essentials
For additional information about Availity, click the link below.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requires of Highmark and its network providers that current, accurate provider data is published in Highmark's Provider Directory. The Provider Directory is an important tool that helps our members contact practitioners, and the data itself is what drives timely and accurate claims processing.
Additional information and resources on maintaining accurate provider data are available at the links below.
Every quarter, CMS requires Highmark to reach out to you to validate your Provider Directory information. The attestation process for facility, ancillary, and Medicaid providers is done through Atlas, an independent company that conducts the outreach on our behalf.
Atlas Prime-Hub Self Service Guide
NOTE: Professional providers should validate their Provider Directory information within PDM every 90 days.
Highmark requires authorization of certain services, procedures, and/or Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, & Supplies (DMEPOS) prior to performing the procedure or service. For more information and resources on prior authorization, go to the Obtaining Authorizations page:
Highmark uses Availity Essentials, a secure, full-service web portal that offers electronic solutions at no charge for providers to perform essential claim processes. For more information and resources, go to the Electronic Claims page:
Sign up to receive your claim payments and ERAs electronically through PNC ECHO:
Providers who have not registered to accept payments electronically will receive virtual credit card (VCC) payments with their Explanation of Benefits (EOB). Providers may opt out of VCC by completing the form below or by calling ECHO Health at 800-890-4124. You may also opt out of VCC in ECHO's Payer Control Portal by entering your Tax Identification Number (TIN) in the Tax ID Processing Options with a No Virtual Card rule.
Highmark is using the Simplify Self-Service and eSign Portals for some provider contract review and approvals. Below is an instructional guide and two walkthrough videos to assist you with the process.
Highmark is in the process of moving professional providers in its New York markets onto Highmark Professional Agreements - which are group contracts that match the structure that is in place in the other Highmark service regions.
For more information, read our Frequently Asked Questions.
This training is a 4-step process. Please review each link in order. After Step 3, open the link for the Training Attestation.
Step 1:Highmark Training
Step 2:Medicare Parts C and D General Compliance Training
Step 3:Combating Medicare Parts C and D Fraud, Waste, and Abuse
Step 4:Training Attestation
*By accessing this video, I understand that I am leaving the Highmark PRC website and will be redirected to an external website operated by a third-party platform provider. Any use of the third-party platform provider’s website and any information you provide will be subject to and governed by the terms of the third party, including those relating to confidentiality, data privacy, and security.